Dec 27, 2008 - Commander Jim, we here in Klamath County Oregon
are receiving so many new folks joining up with the
Jefferson State Militia (JSM), that it just blows the mind to
think that without the JSM folks/American Patriots would
be ADRIFT and without the ability to co-ordinate their
Patriotic Duties.. We also have allowed into Our ranks
several known US Home Land Security agents who
let it be known from the start:  "...I'm.. we are all for
what the JSM is standing for... but we (agents for Home
Land Security) will in fact inform, arrest, and bring down
any and all efforts that resemble half assed, idiotic schemes
that would inflict needless damage and destruction ... the
JSM has more than a full plate just dealing with the
natural order of the Take Down of the Hijackers of
America... We're with yall and sleep better knowing
finally Americans are AWAKE and Preparing ..."

Dear JSM Patriots, I can't believe I bought my three daughters,
 all under 13 a real Ruger.22 autoloading rifle for Christmas!
Their father, who was killed in Iraq 16 months ago must be
very proud the way his girls immediately loved their 10/22's.
We have already had two professional shooting lessons from
Larry's (dad) best friend who was wounded in the IED that
killed my husband... We're ready to do Our DUTY! And
await orders... Love and Respect, KM Humbolt CA

 Jim... It's better to stand and fall for Righteousness
than to put your tail between your legs and
run for the barn... Damn right I'm ready
to fight and die for the American Dream!
Who in their Right Mind would do otherwise? 12/30/08

Thank you Jim for this opportunity to hook up
with similar minded American Patriots ... since
I am in my eighties my heart leaped to learn that
age is not a factor in the JSM... use this cash as

Jim, when is the next training shoot up at
the ranch?  My wife bought me 5000 rnds
of .223 for Xmas.. Yahoooo let's practice
and get to know the new 'guys'... later dude

Jim after receiving the JSM's memo #117,
I purchased at great expense ceramic armor
for my entire family of four... even got Roscoe
the family Rott a doggy flack vest... the memo
was 100 percent correct - We feel so much more
able to perform.. when the time arrives... I
believe it won't be long...

Dear JSM Patriots; .. beware and do NOT buy
any weapons that appear to be stolen or illegal
from anyone ... especially if you do not know
the seller... the JSM is ripe for such schemes and
We JSM Patriots have an agenda ... and must remain
on course... Full Speed Ahead and Damn the

JSM Brothers, why have We not heard ...
Let me be the first in print - "We must
arrest and jail all in the Executive Branch,
Congress, House of Representatives (Representatives:
What a JOKE, who do they represent, certainly not
Us Citizens Patriots) and last and certainly NOT
LEAST -- the NINE STOOGES ... yep the
Supreme Court, who underwrites all the
BS that the NWO is laying down...
And after We Jail the F*cks, We must remind Our
Selves what the penalty was for Horse Thieves
back when Texas was Texas... anyone seen
Hang 'Em High..??? Let's Roll!!!

Jim, From the Crip Nation in the Great State of Jefferson
Yo Patriot Bros and Sisters - We be with yous and pray
to Jesus that all of yous understand that the Crip Nation
is made up of thousands of US Amercan Citizens who
for decades have been targeted and unfairly labeled
as anything but Honorable... Our Guns, Blood and
Sacred Honor stands with the JSM... when the dust
of Justice settles let us move on to the light of Honor...
Peace and Commitment from Black American
Patriots - The Crips

...have yet to see any real leaders in the Government
.. WTF?... and the reality is: It's always been this way!
Thank God, The JSM alarm clock has sounded...
Americans can and will make any previous guerrilla
action against a evil corrupt regime look like an
ice cream sundae... Tally Ho

Use the following address to contact JSM


PO BOX 5007

SHASTA LAKE, CA  96089-5007




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This Web Page last updated: 19-Jun-2009 06:51 PM -0700

WEB Page Created by James Mark Enterprises. ® Shasta Lake, California
