Carl F. Worden
Rather, these events
involved the covered up and protected acts of federal government agents who
committed cold blooded murder of American citizens, and the moral outrage of
millions of Americans in response to those acts. There were three major
events that triggered a return to the Militia Movement in this country. The
first of these events was the Los Angeles riots, which were triggered by the
first Rodney King verdict. In that incident, we witnessed for the first time
the refusal of the local police to go into areas of Los Angeles for reasons
of personal safety. The Mayor ordered that no ammunition be sold to anyone,
and California's 15 day waiting period to purchase firearms prevented the
citizens from providing their own defense. Only those citizens who were
currently armed with both guns and ammunition were in a position to defend
themselves and their property, and defend themselves they did! After the riots, we
observed that no punitive actions were ever taken against those police
officers who had violated their sworn oath to "protect and to serve." We
also noted the refusal of any officials to charge the Mayor with violating
the citizens' 2nd Amendment rights to self defense. That incident served as
a wake-up call like no other. Following the L.A.
riots, we were horrified by the Ruby Ridge and Waco incidents. The
deliberate murder of a young mother holding her 10 month old baby by an FBI
sniper was probably the most polarizing event to happen in America in this
century. Here you had a highly trained FBI sniper who chose to follow orders
he knew, or should have known, to be illegal. Those orders called for the
snipers to shoot to kill any person at the Weaver cabin who was merely
armed. Few Americans know that there were three 2-man FBI sniper teams at
Ruby Ridge that eventful day who refused to follow those illegal orders.
FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi
testified at the Randy Weaver trial that he shot Randy Weaver as he was
approaching a shed located near his cabin. After firing the first shot,
Horiuchi claimed he had time to work the bolt of his rifle, aim and fire a
shot at Kevin Harris as he ran back toward the cabin. As Harris reached the
cabin door, Horiuchi fired, striking Vickie Weaver in the face as she stood
in the doorway holding her infant in her arms. The bullet exited Vickie's
head and wounded Kevin Harris as he dashed into the cabin behind her.
We have good reason to
believe Horiuchi's story was a lie. Colonel Bo Gritz was able to personally
observe the wounds to all three victims when he was allowed into the Weaver
cabin to negotiate a surrender. Gritz, who is the most highly decorated
Green Beret to have served in combat in Viet Nam, testified in the Senate
Ruby Ridge Hearings that Weaver had been wounded with a .223 caliber weapon.
He went on to testify that Vickie Weaver had been shot with a 7.62 caliber
weapon. Gritz was supremely qualified to make such a statement, having
observed hundreds of wounds in Viet Nam. FBI sniper teams are
made up of two men. One carries a .223 semi-automatic and the other carries
a 7.62 caliber sniper rifle. The evidence shows that Horiuchi directed his
spotter to fire his .223 at Weaver while he trained his 7.62 sniper rifle on
the doorway to shoot Harris as he retreated to the cabin door. Horiuchi
testified that the curtains of the cabin door were closed, preventing him
from seeing Vickie. However, the cabin door was entered into evidence by
Weaver defense attorney Gerry Spence and proved Horiuchi's testimony to be a
lie. There was a hole through the glass that never went through the
curtains, because the curtains were drawn open. The judge hearing the case
harshly criticized both the prosecution and the FBI for this deliberate
misstatement of the facts. The FBI sniper rifle is
topped with a ten power scope. Horiuchi was positioned 200 yards from the
cabin. At that distance, the scope reveals a sight picture of a human face
that would appear if you observed a person with a naked eye at only 20
yards. Horiuchi didn't have time to fire both shots accurately with a bolt
action rifle. Further, Horiuchi had been briefed to know there were two
older Weaver children inside the cabin with Vickie when he fired, supposedly
at the running Harris. At best, Horiuchi acted with criminal reckless ness
and misconduct, resulting in the death of the unarmed Vickie Weaver. At
worst, Horiuchi was prepared to shoot Vickie Weaver and Harris with one shot
as Harris dashed into the cabin. In either case, Horiuchi violated
established constitutional constraints and should be charged with murder in
the first degree. As you probably know,
the Jury acquitted both Weaver and Harris of murder on the basis of self
defense. Weaver settled with the government for 3.1 million of our tax
dollars. The local district attorney has since charged Horiuchi only with
involuntary manslaughter. FBI Director Louis Freeh has pledged to use our
tax dollars to defend Horiuchi. The Waco incident also
served to polarize us. I suggest you obtain a copy of the video entitled
"Waco, Rules of Engagement" to fully grasp what really happened when 19
little children were gassed and then burned to death along with over 60
adults. The FBI's own Forward Looking Infra Red (FLIR) footage taken from
the air will prove to you that the FBI intended to kill every man, woman and
child in the church. As has become commonplace, the mainstream media never
presented the public with the true facts surrounding the Ruby Ridge and Waco
incidents, but I can tell you that every Militia member knows these facts
very well. Further, as these facts are being revealed to more and more
Americans through the Internet and other non-mainstream forms of
publication, the Militias are growing in membership exponentially. To date,
only one FBI agent has been imprisoned for obstruction of justice in the
Weaver case, and that sentence was only 18 months. No prosecutions have
taken place in the Waco incident. Both cases were triggered by one common
event: A federal agent or agents, had been killed by those the FBI later
slaughtered. Perhaps the FBI wanted to send a clear message that such
behavior, even in the act of self defense, would not be tolerated. The
unintended consequence was the massive formation of citizen Militias all
across the nation. You see, those of us
who quietly began forming Militias in 1993 did not know others all over the
country were doing the same thing and for the exact same reasons. We were
both astonished and pleased with this discovery. The federal government was
both astonished and alarmed -- and they tried to stop us. As a financial
consultant, I subscribe to a number of financial newsletters. One of those
letters is Strategic Investment, located in Virginia. Former CIA Director
William Colby worked for Strategic Investment before his highly suspicious
death. The March 19, 1995 issue of Strategic Investment carried an alert
that federal agents were set to raid all known Militia members in the early
morning hours of March 25, 1995. The alert further stated that heavy
(Illegal) weapons were to be planted on the property of certain Militia
members and that the media was prepared to issue negative press releases
immediately after the raids were completed. As an Intelligence Officer, it
is my job to prove such information to be false, but failing that, I must
pass the information on to higher levels. I had heard rumors of these raids
prior to the SI story, but when SI published the alert I immediately knew
the information to be true. Financial publications
survive only on their credibility and accuracy. I suspected that Bill Colby
was the source of the information, having maintained his intelligence
contacts after he left the CIA under President Johnson. I knew Bill Colby
was a strict constitutionalist. It was Bill Colby who blew the whistle that
the CIA was spying on student demonstrators during the Viet Nam War in the
United States in violation of its charter. Bill Colby would have recognized
the blatant civil rights violation being planned by Janet Reno against the
Militias and would have given the alert. The Militias
immediately went on red alert. Militia leaders were told not to sleep at
home the evening of March 24, 1995. My wife and I stayed at a hotel that
evening, and I have the receipt to prove it. The alert was sent to every
radio talk show and was being bandied about nationally -- but again, not in
the mainstream media. Our long haul truck drivers were set to report any
unusual government or military convoys or traffic to regional centers and
our air traffic controllers were set to report any unusual military or
government air traffic. In the night and early morning hours of March 24th
and 25th, respectively, we were fully prepared to repel those raids with
force of arms. Just six hours before the raids were set to begin, Janet Reno
canceled them. The element of surprise had clearly been lost. It was a
subterranean drama that was never published in the mainstream media. Even
today, the general public remains largely unaware just how close this
country came to erupting into a bloody civil war had those raids gone on as
planned. Less than one month later, the bomb went off in Oklahoma City. With
no evidence whatsoever to back them, the government issued statements that
the Militias were suspected in that bombing. Prior to April 19, 1995, there
was no general mention of the Militia Movement in the mainstream media.
Following the bombing we were front page news, and none of it positive.
The Southern Poverty
Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League trotted out so-called Militia
"experts" who had supposedly been studying the Militia Movement for quite
some time. They reported that the Militias were made up of racists,
anti-Semitics and any other negative connotation they could imagine. The
press happily joined them, at one point suggesting that a street gang
involved in a drive-by shooting was a Militia group! They further vilified
the movement to suggest all white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups were
Militias. The government did its job very, very well. Not long afterward,
Bill Colby's canoe was found overturned in the river near his home. The oar
and life preserver he always wore never turned up. Colby's body was
discovered in the river a few days later. An autopsy report oddly suggested
he either had a heart attack or stroke that caused him to fall overboard and
drown -- as if an autopsy could not differentiate which cause of death did
him in. You might want to contact Strategic Investment and ask how they feel
about the death of Bill Colby, a true American hero. In the years since, a
number of arrests have been made of Militia members, usually involving
explosives, illegal weapons and conspiracy. Most Militia members did not
know that entrapment is legal if it can be shown that the person entrapped
had an inclination to commit the crime he is charged with. FBI and BATF
operatives have successfully penetrated a number of Militia groups, gained
their confidence, and then solicited the members to purchase illegal
explosives and illegal weapons from them! Thus, they have successfully
created a criminal, and then have proceeded to arrest and prosecute their
creation. Want proof? Use your common sense. In the real world, like in
Northern Ireland, you hear of many, many acts of terrorism followed by a few
arrests. In the U.S., you hear of many arrests, but no committed acts of
terrorism by Militia members. Hmm, beginning to smell a rat? Not even the
FBI is that good -- or even that lucky. Every one of those "timely" arrests
was a product created and orchestrated entirely by the FBI/BATF, with the
cooperation of some very gullible Militia members. We've gotten a whole lot
smarter since then. Trust me: If the Militias are ever forced into combat
mode, the FBI and BATF will be overwhelmed and neutralized in short order.
That is not a boast: They have no idea just how vulnerable they and their
families are. In the past 30 years we
have witnessed the military defeat of the two most powerful nations on
earth. I speak of the defeat of America in Viet Nam and the defeat of the
former Soviet Union in Afghanistan by people a whole lot less well equipped
and trained than we are. Anyone who thinks we're stupid enough to go
toe-to-toe with our own military is wrong. In an urban guerrilla war, the
enemy comes under hit and run attacks. The guerrillas strike where there is
little opposition and retreat when there is an enemy prepared to repel them.
The enemy is forced to live in armed encampments just to be able to sleep at
night. Their quality of life is destroyed. They cannot go to the grocery
store, the theater or a ball game without constant fear of instant death.
They never know who might suddenly appear and vanish again after delivering
a lethal blow. Can we win? You bet we can win. But what would we win? Would
we be successful in returning America to constitutional rule? Personally, I
doubt it. This country would probably be destroyed and splintered into many
regions governed by who knows what kind of leaders. I can state
unequivocally for every man and woman in the Militias that we don't want
that. So what would it take
to cause the Militias to disperse? It will take a return to pure
constitutional rule, real constitutional rule. It will require the vigorous
prosecution of any federal or other person who violates the civil rights of
the citizens under color of authority. Our government used to be like that.
If one of their people did something wrong, they would clean their own
house. Now, they provide 24 hour security to an FBI agent who knowingly
violated constitutional constraints and murdered a young woman armed only
with her 10 month old baby. Now they issue lie after lie to support their
murderous actions, get caught at it, and are seldom prosecuted. They have
adopted an "us against them" attitude. Our country never used to be like
that. We want it back, and we are willing to fight if necessary to prevent
any more injustices at the hands of what can only be described as jack
booted government thugs. If you think for one
moment we enjoy having to prepare, supply and train to defend ourselves from
this monstrosity of a government, you are mistaken. The formation of the
Militias is only a symptom of what has become of our nation. We would much
rather go back to our old life, when we did not fear our government, and
when we enjoyed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We didn't start
this: Those who quietly overturned our nation into a socialist,
unconstitutional nightmare did. You see, we don't want to overthrow the
government of the United States: That has already happened. We want it back.
By the way, I am a
Christian Jew and my American wife is of Mexican decent. Nothing in the
Militia Movement ever had anything to do with racism or anti-Semitism. That
was pure fiction created by the government to make it more palatable to the
public for the government to kill us. They did the same thing to the Weavers
in Idaho and the Branch Davidians in Waco, just before they killed them. I
rest my case. Carl F. Worden
We all see the
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