Study how the Enemy Trains
and You'll Know What to Expect:
_Urban Combat The Petraeus Way_
Written by Donald J. Mihalek.
General’s eight-point
strategy for crime
counterinsurgency applied to US streets!
With violent crime increasing in many
American cities,
it is easy to think of criminals as an “insurgency.”
to the freedictionary.com an “insurgency” is defined as,
“An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a
constituted government through use of subversion and
armed conflict.”
The recent shootings of uniformed police
officers in
Philadelphia and Oakland highlight these attacks on
governmental authority. This growing insurgent behavior
includes shootings of civilians, a growing trend of gang
violence and an increase in narcotics related kidnapping.
The trends point to the need for a renewed strategy to
fight violent crime.
General David Petraeus formed a
plan to deal with the situation in Iraq. The general’s
strategy was targeted to root out the insurgents and
undermine the insurgency. Dave Dilegge’s article on
military.com outlined the General’s eight-point strategy.
Legitimacy Is The Main Objective
“The government needs to provide security, act in a
fair manner and all persons/groups need to be included
in the process.” This is about integrity. The civilian
government needs to keep the people safe because
nothing else matters. It is the most basic premise of
good government, and safety is the most basic need
of people. Treating people fairly is a cardinal rule and
having moral authority enhances law enforcement
legitimacy. If undermined by alleged bad conduct, the
citizens may revolt. Fairness, integrity and honesty
are powerful tools. In the public’s mind, lacking these
elements reduces law enforcement to a bunch of
brigands with power and guns. Iraq is a perfect
example of these principles in use. You want to
accomplish the big “buy in” of law enforcement
by the public.
Unity Of Effort Is Essential
“Well-intentioned but uncoordinated actions can
cancel each other out and/or provide vulnerabilities
suited to be exploited by adversaries.” Former
Mayor Rudy Giuliani once said, “Law enforcement
needs to be as organized as organized crime.” Too
often agency turf wars, bias, or lack of
communication result in agencies working against
each other.
Every agency (local, state and federal)
bring different
resources, talents, skills and abilities to the table.
Failure to take advantage of these “tools” misses t
he point that law enforcement is a team effort.
Cooperation and coordination opens different avenues
into combating a persistent crime problem.
Leveraging of each agency’s resources and a
“task force” style approach often leads to success.
In Iraq, the military had used “Task
Forces” to
coordinate all operational elements and it has
Political Factors Are Primary
“One rule of thumb in counterinsurgency (COIN)
is 80 percent political action and 20 percent military
action. All military and non-military actions should
contribute to strengthen the national government’s
legitimacy.” Law enforcement agencies deal with
all problems but can’t solve all problems. Law
enforcement can fight crime but other governmental
entities also need to perform especially lawmakers,
social services and courts.
For lawmakers, The Patriot Act is a
example. Until this Act, law enforcement was still
using 20th century tools to fight 21st century
crimes. Aspects of this act gave law enforcement
21st Century tools. FBI Director Mueller testified
to the Senate that, “In the past, authorities had to
seek court approval for each electronic device
carried by a suspect, from a cell phone and a
smart phone to a home computer. But under the
Patriot Act roving wiretap provision, one warrant
can cover all of those machines.”
In Oakland, the police confronted a
felon who was
violent and on parole. He was suspected of
physically and sexually abusing young girls. This
criminal’s entire life revolved around crime and he
should have stayed in prison. All facets of social
services and the courts failed to address this
criminal’s issues culminating in wanton injuries to
countless civilians, including children, and the
murder of four police officers.
In Iraq, the military teamed with its
counterparts to put an Iraqi “face” on security,
which helped establish Iraqi governmental legitimacy.
Counterinsurgents Must Understand
The Environment
“This is much more than traditional enemy order of
battle information. Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
COIN requires a thorough understanding of Iraqi
society and culture. Unfortunately, the insurgents hold
a home-field advantage in regards to local knowledge.
Therefore, to be effective, Coalition forces and other
agencies require expertise in such skills as language
and cultural understanding.”
Know your beat. The cops “on the beat”
often have
the pulse of the area. They know who belongs and
who doesn’t. They know the criminals, troublemakers
and good people. They know the mood of a
neighborhood and what the people are concerned
about. Local beat cops can become a wealth of
Sometimes cops get “trapped” in the
police car or
develop the “us versus them” mentality. This
serves as a blockade to information and
relationships that could make the job easier. In life,
most things are about relationships. If you develop
positive ones, they often reap rewards when you
least expect it.
Law enforcement presence establishes
“staying power.” In Iraq, establishing these
relationships equaled success.
Intelligence Drives Operations
“Without good intelligence counterinsurgents are
blind, wasting energy and often causing unintentional
harm while conducting COIN operations. With
good intelligence they are like surgeons cutting out
cancerous tissue while keeping other vital organs
intact.” Information is power. The more information
law enforcement has, the easier it is to fight crime,
find criminals and close cases.
The NYPD’s creation of COMPSTAT
(computerized statistics) proved how good
information helps a law enforcement agency be
more effective. In Walt Schick’s article
COMSTAT in the Los Angeles Police Department,
“Timely and accurate information and intelligence
are absolutely essential in effectively responding
to any problem or crisis.”
In Iraq and New York City, increased
helped focus resources on high crime (insurgent)
clusters. One thing to remember, traditional
criminals and radicals run in similar circles. Recent
FBI terrorism investigations were successful
because a “radical” reached out to someone they
thought was a “criminal” who turned out to be
an informant. Using information is a proven
method to target and fight crime or insurgents.
Insurgents Must Be Isolated
“It is easier to separate an insurgency from its
resources and let it die than to kill every insurgent.
While killing or capturing insurgents is often
necessary, especially when based in religious or
ideological extremism, killing or capturing every
insurgent is impossible and can be counterproductive.
Insurgents must be cut off from their sources of
power, and the key source is the civilian population.”
Law enforcement will never be able to
every criminal or prevent all crime. If law
enforcement put every criminal in jail, crime
would still occur. Individual needs often lead to
crime. To succeed, criminals need someone or
something to prey on. Reducing that opportunity
reduces crime.
The regular presence of law enforcement,
becoming hardened targets and the aggressive
enforcement of violations coupled with vigorous
prosecution diminishes crime. Ultimately, putting
violent criminals in jail and keeping them there
removes the problem.
Security Under The Rule Of Law Is
“The COIN cornerstone is security for the civilian
population. Without that security no permanent
reforms can be implemented and disorder spreads.
The local population must see insurgents as
criminals. In OIF Iraqi law enforcement
organizations must be seen as legitimate and
operating under the Rule of Law”.
Edward D. Reuss stated that “We must
safe in order to progress to the higher social needs
that allow us to create a real community. All
social needs are built upon the foundation of the
fulfillment of these basic needs and the need for
security.” Continuing the status quo or sitting idly
by are not the tactics for successful crime fighting.
Law enforcement must win the “criminal
misunderstood” argument. We often see criminals
popularized and law enforcement portrayed as the
“bad guys.” Mumia Abu-Jamal is the court
proven killer of Philadelphia cop Daniel Faulkner.
According to his website, he has celebrity appeal
and support. In Iraq some insurgent groups had
popular support. Law enforcement must do a better
job of controlling the “story” and winning this
In the publics view, law enforcement
should always
strive to be beyond reproach. To do this, honesty,
integrity and credibility add legitimacy to
law enforcement.
Counterinsurgents Should Prepare
Long-Term Commitment
“Insurgencies are protracted by nature. Constant
reaffirmations of commitment, backed by deeds,
can overcome a common perception that US
COIN forces lack staying power. The perception
that the national government has similar will and
stamina is critical. At the strategic level, gaining
and maintaining US public support for a protracted
effort is also critical.”
Crime will never completely go away.
become more brazen if they feel law
enforcement is weak, ineffective, timid or
unsupported. If law enforcement enforces
aggressively and then walks away, the criminals
will move back in.
As proven in Iraq, staying power pays
The constant presence of law enforcement and an
aggressive posture sends the message to the
criminals to “beware.” Instead of the public fearing
criminals, the criminals fear law enforcement and
this fear can be a great deterrent. In New York
City and now in Iraq, the “broken windows” theory,
“attacking the small problems will reduce the
big ones,” works.
No strategy is perfect and this one will
require an
investment of time, energy, commitment and
manpower on the part of leaders, agencies and the
public. General Petraeus proved that this strategy
can work. It shows an understanding of people,
neighborhoods, intelligence and force presence.
It was adopted for a combat zone and successful.
With strong leadership, willpower, and determination
this strategy could help reduce crime in our most
violent areas.
Former New York City Police Commissioner
William Bratton displayed his leadership and
expressed his vision: “We will fight for every
house in this city. We will fight for every street.
We will fight for every borough. And we will win.”
And the Neo-Militia Movement
- What we are about -
is important to the militia is what is important to all
Americans. We are concerned with the health of this nation.
Militia members are a cross section of the American people.
Many of us have been active in the political realm to voice
our opinion to our elected leaders. Our voice has yet to be heard.
We will not tolerate any trouble makers, Jew haters, bigots,
racists, dissenters of any type first and foremost. We are here
to reestablish the Militias reputation. The militia is a formation
of communities. This is true now as it was throughout the
history of this land. We the people have gathered together to
form one voice in the hope that we will be heard.
Our communities are banding together across this country to
form one voice which is getting louder each day. It is not the
guns of the militia that our government fears, we have not fired
a single shot. The people are uniting together as one to bring
out the truth, justice and liberty that we are Americans!
The Jefferson State Militia is not a "Anti-Government"
hate club or occult of any type. As an "Unorganized" militia
we will assist local state and government in times where
manpower has been exhausted. We stand against enemies
both foreign and domestic.
We all see the
destination in which
Our Government is forcing
upon We American Citizens.
So consider this:
'Like a powerful fast moving Train
heading break neck for the cliff,
We understand that: One doesn't turn
a train for it's on a track.
First the train must be stopped, and
then it must be backed up.'
Hasten Patriots to the Call of Liberty!
~ JRM - 12/22/08
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