USMM Top HAM-GUY: 'The information here is correct. One can improve on skip conditions by locating their antennas closer to the ground which causes the angle of radiation to be a higher angle which results in a shorter skip distance. So, with a little maneuvering of the antenna, most distances can be covered. Usually, if you can hear the other station, they can hear you too.... :)'
on HAM
Radio Ark Two will monitor the band (note singular) appropriate to propagation conditions at the time. 80/75 meters LSB (LSB = Lower Sideband; the world standard) If possible, Ark Two will TX an SSB or CW beacon on an appropriate band so others can find us. We will ID as ARK TWO. Reply on beacon frequency in SSB or CW when our carrier drops.
40 meter LSB Generally, 40 meters is a good daytime band until perhaps 4PM, and then 75 meters picks up. 20 meters is a long-range band used for long haul, and counts on bouncing off the ionosphere and reflecting back, as does most amateur communication. The operator must understand propagation and skip, the factors that affect them, and know how to select the proper band based on numerous factors. 10 meters and 15 meters are the bands most affected by the eleven-year sunspot cycle. We are about 18 months from the bottom of the cycle, which is the most difficult times, in about 6 years we'll be at the peak of the next cycle, and the higher frequency bands will work. Now it's very rare to be able to make other than very local contacts on 10 and 15 meters, and this will only get worse until the sunspot cycle picks up. When it does get near peak, though, small amounts of power can talk around the world with simple antennas. The above are the type of reasons that we are mentioning "appropriate to propagation conditions". There may be other conditions caused by EMP, widespread nuclear activity, and earth changes. Whatever, we will be looking for people calling the tactical sign ARK TWO, and the call sign that we respond with will depend upon which of our HAM radio operators are present - providing that is relevant.
We all see the
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