The Jefferson State Militia - BLANK BLANK BLANK BLANK




Dear Officer:

By: Peter Alan Kasler

I don't want to kill you.

I don't even want to wound you.

I admire your courage and the commitment you've made
to help others, often at risk of own your life.

I hope you won't come for me, because if you do,
one of us will die.  It may be you.

I've done nothing wrong.  I don't intend to.

But the government which you serve has passed too many
laws.  I am sure to accidentally break one, some day.  And
that same government is systematically destroying the
unalienable rights which our Constitution says may not be
infringed very specifically, my right to keep and bear arms.

I am not some wacko lunatic, but I can no longer stand idly
 by, while decent people are systematically enslaved by an
out-of-control government.

I cannot allow a corrupt judiciary to use its power to
destroy my rights and my country. That government and
that judiciary has begun to use you to arrest, and kill,
people just like me: people who believe that the
Declaration of Independence, the Constitution
and the Bill of Rights mean what they say.

You don't know me, but you see me every day. 
I may be a businessman, a truck driver, an executive.
I could be a housewife or a salesman.  But I am armed,
 as Americans have been for over 250 years, and
I am determined to keep the freedoms which only
an armed people may retain.

With a rifle, I can hit a man-sized target at 800 yards. 
At shorter distances, in the blink of an eye,  I can hit
a head-size target with a rifle or a handgun.  I don't
wear a uniform. I don't drive a marked car. I don't wear
 camouflage.  I could be your own secretary,
or your barber.  I might be the guy who delivers your
bottled water, or the parcel delivery lady.

You don't know who I am, or what arms I have,
and you never will.

I am tens of millions.

I am America.

But I know you. I know your uniform, your car,
and your work schedule.  I know where you work,
and where you live.  And that is good for you,
because not only am I no threat to you,

so long as you do the job for which you are hired.
I am also prepared to assist you when you are
threatened by real criminals.  You may think that
there aren't many of me left, but believe me, there
are many, many more than you can imagine. 
When the chips are down, we are the ones who are
 truly on your side.  On your side, that is, so long
as you honor your Oath. We are on your side if you
 are one of the majority of peace officers who are
 not corrupt and who have not sold out to the
socialists and communists freedom betrayers
who will do anything, say anything  to destroy
the America our fathers and grandfathers
bequeathed us.

No, I am no threat to you, but your bosses in
government don't see it that way. They think
that I, and my arms, are a threat to them, and
they are planning to send you for me, just as they
've sent armed, dangerous officers on select little
 missions for years, taking out targeted individuals.

On their orders, you may succeed in murdering me
 for my beliefs.  Or you may not.

Whether or not you succeed in murdering me,
 as federal agents murdered Vicki Weaver and
her young son in Idaho; or as those same
federal agents murdered 81 men, women and children
at  Waco, Texas; there will be others who will rise
up in my memory, as I now rise up in honor of the
innocent lives taken by the jack-booted thugs and
black-clad imitation ninjas who think it is fun to
murder Americans who have somehow become
convinced that it is their job to murder Americans!

I am prepared to die, honoring my sacred Oath
 as an American, to defend and protect the
Constitution of the United States of America.

Are you prepared to die to violate the Oath
that you took?

You see, our government is out of control.
It has rotted, from the top down.  You know it. 
You've seen it.  But you, like many others, have
 been too concerned with your job, your family,
and your pension, to say or do anything about it.
Deep down, you know I am right.  But you think
 you must follow orders.

Or must you? Are you going to murder me for
 having the courage to stand up for the country
and the principles in which you believe?  Are you
going to go along with unconscionably illegal,
unconstitutional orders, just as "good" German
soldiers followed their orders?  Are you going to
be a peace officer or a jack-booted thug?

There is little difference between a street outlaw
 who murders and robs; and a uniformed thug
 who murders and robs under color of law. 
The result is the same: Property confiscated,
lives ruined, families ripped apart, murder
committed, and a free nation destroyed.

Look at history.  Look around the world. 
As we move toward a lawless society, our country
 moves closer and closer to anarchy and then
some form of fascism.

Are you going to enforce unconstitutional laws?

Are you going to be the private army of socio/fascist
dictators who masquerade as democratic
representatives?  Or are you going to do your
part to recapture America?  Are you going to keep
 your eyes and ears open?  Will you quietly let me
 know when the jack-booted thugs in the
SWAT teams have targeted me?  Will you let your
fellow officers know that they are being sold
down the river by their corrupt masters?

Don't come to kill me.  Because I don't want to
 kill you.  If you do come, you may succeed, if you
get lucky.  But don't count on luck, because it will
probably be hard... damned hard.

Like millions of other Americans, I am the son or
daughter of a nation of riflemen citizen-soldiers
who have a rich heritage of beating the best the
 enemy can send against us.  We are resourceful. 
We cherish our homes and freedom.  We
understand weapons and tactics.

You are foolish if you intend to be our enemy. 
If you don't succeed, and in the long run, you won't,
 here's what you can expect if you push us to no
other defense: ambushes of SWAT teams, and the
wholesale slaughter of all the jack-booted thugs who
 have murdered innocent Americans on the orders
 of their socialist masters; targeted assassinations
and kidnappings of anti-Constitution judges, and
assassinations of anti-American, anti-gun politicians.

By your willingness to be a good little Nazi, you
will have unleashed a civil war.  This is just what
America's enemies want.  It doesn't have to be
 that way.  You can do something about it.

It's easy. Read the Declaration of Independence,
the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Although
you took an Oath to defend them, you don't learn
much about them in your training, do you?

Today, these documents are considered dangerous
 by the government, just as King George found
them dangerous over 200 years ago.  Why do you
suppose your leaders lead you to oppose the very
rights you swore to protect?  Why do they
want a disarmed public?

You know the reason. It has nothing to do with
controlling crime.  It has everything to do with using
you to disarm, fine, control, and ultimately murder
your American fellows just like the brownshirts
and the SS did to German citizens.  Don't fall for it.

Don't force me to kill you.


And the Neo-Militia Movement

- What we are about -

What is important to the militia is what is important to all
Americans. We are concerned with the health of this nation.
Militia members are a cross section of the American people.
Many of us have been active in the political realm to voice
our opinion to our elected leaders. Our voice has yet to be heard.
We will not tolerate any trouble makers, Jew haters, bigots,
racists, dissenters of any type first and foremost. We are here
to reestablish the Militias reputation. The militia is a formation
 of communities. This is true now as it was throughout the
history of this land. We the people have gathered together to
form one voice in the hope that we will be heard.
Our communities are banding together across this country to
 form one voice which is getting louder each day. It is not the
guns of the militia that our government fears, we have not fired
a single shot. The people are uniting together as one to bring
out the truth, justice and liberty that we are Americans! 
The Jefferson State Militia is not a "Anti-Government"
hate club or occult of any type.  As an "Unorganized" militia
we will assist local state and government in times where
manpower has been exhausted.  We stand against enemies
both foreign and domestic.

We all see the destination in which
 Our Government is forcing
upon We American Citizens.
 So consider this:
'Like a powerful fast moving Train
heading break neck for the cliff,
We understand that: One doesn't turn
a train for it's on a track.
First the train must be stopped, and
then it must be backed up.'
Hasten Patriots to the Call of Liberty!
~ JRM - 12/22/08


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This Web Page last updated: 09-Mar-2010 01:59 PM -0700

WEB Page Created by James Mark Enterprises. ® Shasta Lake, California
