JUNE 30th, 2007



No one would argue; Shasta Lake shows maturity
beyond It's 14 years of Incorporation.
Leading Shasta Lake along it's journey into the future,
is highly evolved City Staff. 
With a series of City Managers, it was the
City Council's decision to promote from within
the ranks of the Staff, resulting in Carol Martin
taking over the reigns of Management.
A long time city employee, Martin has brightly shined
in what ever position, she found herself, which was
mainly Accounting and Assistant City Manger.
Not only does Martin have all the necessary education
and experience, but she also shows strong leadership
qualities as well as an endearing manner, which fosters
confidence and respect from the other Staff members.
City Manager is not an easy job, Martin directs and
oversees the various Department jobs and duties
insuring performance to the highest standards.
Martin's domain is comprised of the following:

City Manager's Office, Customer Service/Utilities,
Development Services, Electric Utility,  Finance,
 Public Works, Sheriff's Department,
Wastewater Treatment,
Water Treatment, as well as inter relating with the
City Council

As in past City Birthday Celebrations, staff
coordinates the Event with the aid of
sponsors, key city residents, service clubs, the business
community, Chamber of Commerce, Fire District,
Sheriff Department, and of course -
the many volunteers.

Special Thanks to the following sponsors

The City Celebration officially got under way
around 4 p.m. 

BBQ Dinner tickets were
available to the first 500 interested folks.

A five dollar bill was the reasonable tariff
for one BBQ Tri-Tip, Chicken Combo complete
with Ranch Style Beans, Potato Salad, and Fresh
Sweet Rolls.

The two huge wood burning BBQ's, one for
Tri-Tips, the other for the Chicken sizzled
for most of the dinner hour.

Volunteers, along with the Catering Team
worked their magic without problems.

With the temperature in the mid 90's,
folks were happy to sit under the many
lovely canopy clad enclosures.



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This Web Page last updated: 26-Feb-2009 07:17 PM -0700

WEB Page Created by James Mark Enterprises. ® Shasta Lake, California
